And rephrase it,
" Love yourself , just the way you are. ",com |
As a human being, we always love people in front of us. We cherish and we care. We make efforts for their wellness, their needs. And with it, we are happy for what is life to be.
But, there is someone important that we always mistreat or forget to look into. It's ourselves. We make eye contact in every single day , in that mirror.
We may not forget how to dress ourselves properly.
Being beautiful.
But, we miss the most important care.
Be a healthy person
Be a good Muslim
To be a healthy person is never an easy task. We need to be wise with making decision
Taking good foods, avoiding unneeded meals
Well spent time , avoiding too much entertainment
good relationship with families, avoid unnecessary conflicts
and many others.
And, to be a good Muslim will challenge our consistency.
But, a strong will, will make it happen.
" Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
- Mahatma Gandhi
Love yourself, just the way you are. And let's work for a better you.
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